When there are so many types of rice at the grocery store, it can be hard to decide which one you need. Here’s a cheat sheet:
Short-grain rice is short and wide. It’s softer and stickier than other rice when you cook it up. So it goes best with foods like sushi. Use short-grain rice to make recipes like our Adorable Onigiri.
Medium-grain rice is slightly longer and thinner than short-grain rice. This type of rice is less sticky too, and tastes tender and chewy when cooked. This is the kind of rice in risotto or paella.
Long-grain rice is long and thin, sometimes more than double the length of short-grain rice. It stays more spread apart when cooked, and that makes it good for saucy dishes. Basmati is a popular long-grain rice you might be familiar with. Try it with our Mexican Rice recipe!
Not sure which is which? Stack your rice grains side by side on the counter. The longest and thinnest is the long-grain, and the shortest and widest is the short-grain. And here’s a fun fact: wild rice is not actually rice! It’s a member of the grass family but is called “rice” due to its appearance. Who knew?
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