Homeschool Cooking Curriculum
We believe food is a gateway to math, science, art, history, culture, life skills, and more. This school season, we’re providing families extra support to keep their children engaged and learning at home.

Special resources for homeschoolers
Homeschool materials
Complementary curriculum for each kit.
Afterschool enrichment
Hands-on activities for creative learning and play.
Digital recipes
Free educational recipes & cooking lessons!
Bulk Ordering
For P.O.s, contact us at [email protected].

Our kits are proudly packaged by Elwyn, a foundation that provides education and work opportunities to children and adults with developmental disabilities. During Covid-19, we are thankful to have been able to keep our office-based team and Elwyn staff employed.
To help families staying at home, we have given away 15,000 free cooking kits, created two virtual cooking camps, and launched our own homeschooling program.
