Congratulations to Season 9 MasterChef Junior winner Rae Barker from Texas!
At just 11 years old, Rae wowed the judges with her masterful grilling skills and creative seasonings. Now, we’ve teamed up with the folks at MasterChef Junior to give you an exclusive peak at one of Rae’s winning recipes from the December show: Bacon-Wrapped Potatoes. Rae served it alongside a “surf and turf” meal of grilled lobster tail and steak. The judges only had one complaint: They wanted more!
Rae’s recipe proves that you don’t need a lot of time or a long shopping list to make delicious food. This guaranteed crowd pleaser is fun and easy to prepare and only uses 6 ingredients! When you head to the market, Rae suggests smoked bacon for a delicious flavor that can’t be beat. Are you ready to cook like Rae? Let’s go!