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The official MasterChef Junior cooking kit for kids
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“We’ve loved all the recipes and it is a fun activity to do as a family!”
Nicole, WI
“Little does my daughter know she’s learning tons while having fun.”
Karen, WA
“My daughter loves getting her box and seeing all the surprises inside.”
Maria, FL
“The first box was right at my son’s level and broke down the steps in a manageable and engaging way.”
Rachel, NY
"We absolutely love our Kidstir boxes. This has been such a great family bonding thing to do."
Eme, OH
“It adds so much to our homeschooling and now my kids WANT to cook!”
Caroline, MI
“Watching my child’s face when they open their box is priceless.”
Sacia, ID
“The kits help my daughter work on directions, patience, and commitment. After 2 months, she gets so excited she forgets her fears.”
Samantha, AZ