We got the perfect kit to get your kiddo ready to celebrate their favorite time of the year. Halloween might be one day out of the year, but our Faboolous Foods will fill your entire month with skele-fun. We’re ready to freak out for these recipes — they are eerie-sistible!
Starting with Apple Teeth, a better-for-you Halloween treat. Serve up your most fang-tastic smiles in minutes using simple and nutritious ingredients! Learn how to slice your apples into lips, then add nut butter or jam for some rotten or bloody teeth and a terrifyingly good bite. Then we got some tricks up our sleeve this month. We’ll teach you how to make delicious Spooky Cookies with your new kitchen gift, our Spooktacular Cookie Cutters, and how to mix your own cool icing colors with tips from our Foodie Fun Magazine!
Food is tastier when it comes in fun shapes (it’s true!), and Halloween is the perfect occasion to let your kid’s creativity run wild. For a scary twist on an egg-in-a-hole, our Ghost in Toast recipe is scary easy and soon they’ll be making it every morning. Plus, this friendly ghost won’t haunt you. Carve out some time with your special chefs to make our Sweet Potato Jack-o’-Lanterns. If your kids like pumpkin carving, they’ll love this cute-to-eat dish. While they’re getting cooked, play a round of our Wordstir cards, or learn about the history of Halloween from this month’s fun-packed homeschool lesson.
After you finish goblin it all up, share a picture of your creations in our #kidstirchallenge for a chance to win a free kit! And don’t forget to celebrate your kitchen success by sticking your hair-raisingly cute achievement stickers in your cookbook binder. Hungry for more?If you’re hosting a party, read up on our top tips to entertain and spook your guests, and how to turn common ingredients you already have into Halloween snacks. We have so many goodies in store this month, subscribe now so you don’t miss out!