Full of flavor – Chefs use herbs to add flavor to their recipes, and you can too! Give different herbs a taste test, then write down a description to remember the flavor.
Here’s a list of popular herbs and some words you and the kids might use to describe their flavors. See if you agree or write down your own taste descriptions and match them up. Keep adding to the list of herbs and flavors to create a handy guide to help you cook with the right herbs for your taste.
- Rosemary
- Mint
- Thyme
- Chives
- Basil
- Parsley
- Sage
Words to describe flavor:
delicate, earthy, perfumy, full-bodied, fresh, blech!, sweet, spicy, savory, bitter, yummy, sour.
Here’s one of our favorite recipes that uses fresh herbs – called “Kids Yogurt Ranch Dip” which calls for fresh parsley and dill. Here are the recipe instructions for kids ready to mix things up with herb flavors. Mix up Greek yogurt, milk, white vinegar, garlic clove, a few sprigs each of fresh parsley and dill, Salt and pepper, and Fresh veggies for dipping. Snip the parsley and dill with the kitchen scissors. Cut only the leaves — not the stems. Measure 1 tablespoon of each. Stir the herbs into the yogurt dip. (full details at link above)
Here’s another easy recipe with herbs to make a simple dip for bread to add to a Tasty Cheese Tray: In a small bowl, mix olive oil, crushed garlic, and salt. Add about 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped basil or rosemary and stir it into the bowl
We’d love to offer this Kids Garden Herbs Infographic for you to share on your blog. Just select and copy the code snippet below and paste into your next blog post.
We’d love for everyone to share this page on social media or email using the buttons below so all the kids you know can have fun growing and cooking with herbs throughout the season!